My System for Productivity

There seems to be an infinite catalog of resources on the topic of productivity. Every self-proclaimed productivity guru will share their 5-Step-Secret-Process to turn you from a procrastinator to an lean, mean, efficient machine.  (Do you ever wonder if they actually follow their own advice, or is it just me?) If you read one book, the […]

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Each Wednesday I offer a review on either a book or a product.   Today I share a recent revelation that wasn’t all that revelatory (I think I just made that word up), as a quick google search revealed that others have already thought of this. We are a 99% dairy free home.  We haven’t […]

Small Shifts, Not Giant Leaps

I don’t do New Year resolutions.  I find them fake and phoney.  If I was unwilling to change all year, what makes me think December 31 to January 1 will make any difference.  There is much hype around the idea of making resolutions, getting rid of bad habits, and adopting helpful ones.  But why wait […]

Monday Links April 4, 2016

Faith Sin Deceives You to Destroy You – Article by John Piper “Desiring is what we are. We are desire factories. It’s part of being a human. Whether you go to heaven or to hell depends on whether the factory is producing desires that are in accord with Christ and his gospel, or desires that are in […]