To whom shall I go?

Every so often I receive what is meant to be a compliment; it generally goes something like this: “Good for you for not turning your back on God.” This often comes after they find out that despite being divorce, I have continued to homeschool my four children. My response to them is the same as […]

Replace pride with gratitude

Christian brother and sister, upon hearing that the new visitor at church is divorce, what first goes through your mind? Do you remind yourself that God hates divorce? Do you wonder what s/he did to end up divorced? Do you assume s/he gave up too easily? This isn’t a trick question.  We all have knee-jerk […]

Divorce stinks!

There is no way to sugar coat the reality that divorce stinks! It stinks for the one on the receiving end. It stinks for the one on the pursuing end (although they often think pursuing the divorce will make them happy). It stinks for the children who are collateral damage. It stinks for friends who […]