
Someday there will be no spills on the floor, or at the table, or in the living room.

Someday the house will look exactly the way I left it, not matter how much time has passed.

Someday afternoon naps won’t be interrupted, and personal reading time will not become 20-questions time.

Someday meals will always be peaceful and bedtime will be without struggle.

Someday the only toothpaste smeared on the bathroom mirror will be…wait, there won’t be any toothpaste smeared.

Someday tables and windows won’t be loved with gooey fingers.

Someday I will be able to simply put on my shoes, grab my keys and walk out the door – in that order and without any additional steps.

Someday I will not need to hide in the bathroom to find 5 minutes of quiet.


Someday life will be simpler, but not have as many laughs.

Someday the house will be quieter, but not have as much joy.

Someday I might find the things I long for now and the things I then miss.

THIS day I will smile as they play and laugh as they act goofy and listen as they talk and thank God for it all: the gooey tables, the mess on the floor, the toothpaste on the mirror, the noise down the hall.

Someday life will be different, this day is the one I treasure now.


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